[Yaesu] FT-990 filters

David Wright dave at n8it.org
Mon Aug 11 12:17:01 EDT 2003

I also felt 250 Hz would be to narrow for my operations.  I got a 500 Hz 
filter for a FT-1000 and installed it in the 250 Hz filter spot.  When I 
want cascaded 500 Hz filters, I push the 250 Hz button on the radio.  Very 
steep skirts now with both filters.  

Dave - N8IT

On Mon, 11 Aug 2003, Mike VK4DX wrote:

> I just bought a second hand FT990 AC. It came with buillt in 500 Hz 
> (10.9MHz) CW filter. This one has been described as a "CW-wide" filter 
> in the manuals book. There is also place for optional "CW-narrow" 
> filter, the book reffers to 455 kHz 250 Hz filter which, by my 
> understanding is activated by pressing "250" button on the front panel 
> of the radio.
> Since this one is somewhat too narrow for my taste i'm thinking of 
> putting another 500Hz,(this being 455 kHz one) in that slot.
> The question is how this one will be activated ? Will it be activated 
> together with the other 500 Hz filter (10.9 MHz one) by pressing 500 
> button or just as the 250 Hz(455 would be activated, by pressing 250 
> button ?

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