[Yaesu] 1000 MP - No CW! Help!

N3SL at aol.com N3SL at aol.com
Sat Aug 16 14:09:47 EDT 2003

Was using the rig last evening without problems.  This morning, I have no CW 
transmit.  I've done everything I can think of, to include pushing every 
button, unplugging everything except the key and antenna (and power cord), and 
finally, in desperation, a master reset.  Still no CW: not from main VFO, not in 
split mode, and not from the FH-1 outboard keypad.  Keyer on/off and break-in 
have no effect.  I can think of anything else - that's pleasant, at least.

Any other suggestions?

Thanks in advance,

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