My Apology to the group Re: [Yaesu]

Carol L Maher w4clm.ham at
Thu Aug 28 03:39:12 EDT 2003

Please accept my apology for my having posted this thread to
the group. I like you love amateur radio, wheeling and dealing,
fixing and repairing Yaesu equipment as we all do !!
I'm not sure just how many people got the posting, I'm assuming
it was bounced.  While  I'm not ashamed for having made the
posting,  I will respect the request of the group administrator
and not post off topic.

It's like this gentlemen.   I've been licensed for 33 Years longer then
of you and maybe not as long as others. I  have watched my beloved
watered down from a technical and highly respected endeavor to that
of passing "Personals" "CB breaks" and dealing with new comers to
amateur radio that don't know which end of the soldering iron to hold.
But hey ! Everyone has to start some place. I'm not knocking
the new comer, we all had to start some place.  It's our responsibility
to help them along and I accept that challenge.

However.  The subject of WD4IVC is a horse of a different
color and should not be ignored, that is why I made the posting.
And while this forums primary target of interest is and will
continue to be Yaesu equipment. It's also
important to know what is going on behind the scenes. It's also 
noted that Mr. Joseph J. Harper has a right to freedom of speech,
but at what cost to you, me and amateur radio.  A fox in sheep's 
clothing is still a fox and should be exposed.  Mr. Harper will 
sound as though he is preaching Christianity when on the air, 
but it's being done under the umbrella of the KKK and Hate !! 
That is why I'm upset and felt compelled to post.

Do with the information as you wish gentlemen.
I will not post again in regards to this subject, but I'd encourage
you to write the ARRL or Riley Hollingsworth to tell him
that we don't want hate groups preaching their agenda
over amateur radio.

With all sincere respect and regards to the group.
Carol L. Maher

d, 27 Aug 2003 20:41:37 EDT SGTOKIE at writes:
In case anyone has misunderstood,  I am NOT a supporter of the kd5qwo

david howard 

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