[Yaesu] FT-8500 memory loss

Ralph Forsythe rf-list at centerone.com
Mon Feb 10 18:29:30 EST 2003

Ok, I have this old FT-8500 I dusted off this evening...  I had originally 
stopped using it because of a problem where if power was removed for about 
an hour or more, it would lose *most* memory settings (but not all - very 

I did some Internet searching and found where someone else had the 
identical problem a while back, but I never saw a reply on this list to him 
so I figured I would ask again, and see if anyone is familiar enough with 
the radio to help me out.  I've since been using a Kenwood TM-V7 (that blue 
screen is just too cool to pass up), but have been out of Ham radio for a 
while.  I'm getting back into it, and would like to make the FT-8500 a base 
station perhaps...  Or I might make it the mobile, since it still does more 
than I'd ever need.

Back when this first started happening, I replaced the memory battery to no 
avail, it still has the same issue.  So is this a common problem, can Yaesu 
send me parts (I have not called them yet), or is it something stupid I can 
just correct myself easily?

Thanks for the help!
- Ralph Forsythe, KC0CSO 

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