[Yaesu] FT 1000 and FT 1000D. Difference

Jerry Flanders jeflanders@comcast.net
Wed, 15 Jan 2003 14:10:18 +0000

Hi Giovanni

The "D" has additional hardware inside it. Take a standard 1000 and add the 
additional filters, a high-stability master reference oscillator, and a 
bandpass filter module and you have the "D" version. I don't remember how 
many additional filters are required, but I think the "D" has only one main 
receiver filter slot unoccupied. You can add another 250 Hz filter to that 
unoccupied slot to provide cascaded 250 Hz filters. Without that additional 
filter, the "D" cascades the 500 after the first 250, as I recall. The 
subreceiver has a slot for an optional 600 Hz CW filter which can be added

They look the same from the front (the logo does not actually say "D", at 
least on the one I have), but from the rear you can see the bandpass filter 
module installed, along with the additional coax input for the sub-receiver 
antenna connection.

It is the bandpass filter module which allows the 1000D to have two 
COMPLETELY independent receivers. For instance, you can tune 10 meters FM 
on one receiver using a 10M antenna while tuning 160 meters RTTY on the 
other receiver on a different antenna. You can even run the audio out to 
different speakers. As far as I know, the 1000D is the only ham transceiver 
capable of doing all of this. Much more than the usual dual-watch feature 
in some radios.

The subreceiver does not have an "S" meter, but otherwise is complete.

The transmitter is the same in both models.

Jerry W4UK

At 14:05 1/15/03 +0100, i2ift@libero.it wrote:

>Hi Guys.
>You help to understand me. Which it is the real difference between a FT a 
>1000 and FT 1000D? I would want to buy one old FT 1000. There are numbers 
>of critical series us?
>Thanks and 73
>  de giovanni  i2ift
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