[Yaesu] FL-101

Carol L Maher w4clm.ham at juno.com
Tue Jun 3 18:30:03 EDT 2003

Dear Wim,
Where are you located ? I have an FL-101, I 
may be able to help you out on this.  Do I understand 
you correctly, are you missing the board ??
Carol Maher
North Carolina, USA 

> Hello
> I have a question
> I  have the FL-101 and FR-101 and YO-100
> I try to renovate them and conserv them but ik have a missing part 
> in =
> the FL-101.
> The part is a pcb board  AF PB-1407 (rf unit).
> I am looking for a photo copy from the layout of this pcb board=20
> and the information of the 2 coil's on this board t106 and t107.
> If someone have this information, please send it bij email to me=20
>  pa7wb at euronet.nl so that I can make the pcb board.=20
> the cost a will pay.
> If it is possible many Thanks. =20
> Best Regards
> Wim Pa7wb

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