[Yaesu] FT-8500 and APRS

James C. Hall, MD nwtcc at earthlink.net
Wed Jun 11 19:52:10 EDT 2003


Has anybody with the great dual-band radio FT-8500 noticed that it 
doesn't hear very well on the APRS frequency of 144.390 MHz ??  It does 
fine on local repeater frequencies, but I have compared receive on APRS 
with an FT-847 and an older Kenwood dual bander TM-721A and both hear 
the packets better than the '8500 using the same antenna.  I really 
love the '8500 - wonder if there is anything that might be done to 
improve the receive characteristics, or is my rig faulty and in need of 
realignment ?

73, Jamie

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