[Yaesu] FT-1000MP Receive Desense

WMABESORE at aol.com WMABESORE at aol.com
Fri Mar 7 12:53:59 EST 2003


I have had the receive desense after transmitting problem with my FT-1000MP 
as described.  When I come back from a transmission, the AGC frequently seems 
to be swamped and the receiver front end acts like it is shut down.  I have 
to click the mike key a couple of times to get the receiver to open up again. 
 This is bad especially in contesting.  

I had an oscillator quit that supported xmit from 14,500 to 21,500, so I have 
sent the radio the Ham Radio Repair (Milton Lord) and he will look at the AGC 
swamping problem.  Don't know if he will have a ready fix or not.  For a 
while I was just turning the AGC off and then rolling the RF gain to the 
point where the receiver would open up most of the time after transmitting.

Bill (K0WB)

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