[Yaesu] Good rigs for power line noise

John Geiger johngeig at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 23 21:01:37 EST 2003

I have been chasing the ST0RY dxpedition for the last
couple of days, with frustration.  The best band for
propagation to ST seems to be 30 meters, but I have a
high noise level on that band, so they are very rough
copy.  I think it is power line noise, and have been
contacting the power company, but they have been no
help so far.  I am also in touch with the ARRL to try
and get their help.  Of course there is always the
possibility that the noise is coming from elsewhere. 
It seems to be a constant S6 on 30, and about the same
on 40.  80 is usually a little quieter.

I also have this noise on the higher bands, but bought
a Yaesu FT100D based on the reputation of its NB.  It
does take out the noise on 20-6 meters, lowering it
from S5 to nothing most of the time.  However, it
doesn't seem to touch the noise much on the lower
bands.  I used to have an Icom 746 (original model)
and it didn't do anything against the noise.  I also
used to have a Kenwood TS2000, and I seem to remember
that it handled it pretty well on all bands.  Guess
the IF DSP or Kenwood NB was worth it.

Does anyone have a suggestion as to what rigs really
handle this type of noise well, other than the TS2000.
 My budget is a little tight right now, so cannot
afford an Icom 756PRO or 775, although someday hope to
have one of those. Looking for any rigs that are a
little less expensive that knock out power line or
other noise really well.  Any suggestions?

This ST0 deal so far has me considering giving up
DXing and sticking with satellites or 2 meter FM (not
really but it feels like that at times).

73s John NE0P

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