[Yaesu] FT-101E Display

Stuart Bloom sbbloom69 at yahoo.com
Mon May 19 13:38:26 EDT 2003

To follow up on my previous post.

The AADE DFD-3 model is programmable for your
particular radio.  In my case, I programmed in the
FT-101.  The until then handles all the frequencies
for each band.  It behaves just likea YC-601.  You 
select a switch for the band you are on.  It does all
the VFO math and displays the actual receive and
transmit frequencies.

AADE also makes a model that will read more from your
radio and eliminate the bandswitch.

I like the DFD-3, because I only need one connection
to the radio.  Also, I installed the Fox Tango band
mod kit for 12, 17 and 30 meters.  I added these three
bands to the AADE DFD-3 easily.

I have no connection with AADE.  I just like there
product since it adds a modern touch to my 30 year old


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