[Yaesu] FT 101 F...

GGLL nagato at arnet.com.ar
Thu Mar 4 21:25:50 EST 2004


Anibal Dos Ramos escribió:

> Hi All
> I just Bought a FT101F. It is working fine in 40-80-160 m Bands but it 
> is not happening in 10(a,..)-15-20 m band.
> During the tune up procedure for those "faulty" bands(10,15,20) the 
> behaviour for the metter is not so "linear" or "soft" as in the 
> "working" bands (40,80,160). Even so, if i could tune it up, as far as 
> I finish and

If the meter needle (at Ic position of the switch) moves shaky, then 
most probably driver or final stage is auto-oscillating while the 
tune-up procedure.

> try to start listening, them i realice the position in the preselect 
> is not giving the maximun noise, but, if i move it in order to get the 
> higher noise then i will loose the power in TX...  :-/

Yes, you must do a complete re-alignment as per manual instructions, 
this happens because there's one shared rx-tx stage but the other two 
are not. So, because of lack of tracking, for rx you have a different 
setting of preselector than for tx. And is most notable at higher 
frequency bands.
I suggest you  first verify the oscillation issue checking both 
neutralizations and then perform the realignment.
Also, check the coupling capacitor between driver plate and final grid 
tubes; it becomes lossy after some time.

Goooooood luck  :)
Guillermo - LU8EYW.

> What is the meaning of this??? is it related with equipment 
> aligment??? does it happens to any 101 owner???
> Heeeeeellppp!!!! :-)
> Anibal
> yy5arr
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