[Yaesu] FV-101 Vs. FV-101B

certified-electronics at juno.com certified-electronics at juno.com
Wed Mar 10 21:56:56 EST 2004

Not really much difference between the FV-101 and FV-101B
There area slight differences, one being the light gray trim ring on the
"B" model
matched all transceivers from the FT-101B and newer.  Where as the
FV-101 had a silver trim ring that matched the very early FT-101 MK 1 &
transceivers.  Also the FV-101B has a small red LED to indicate which of
the two VFO's
were in use at the time by switching from the VFO selector switch  on the
transceiver the Red / LED switched the internal 6 volt supply to the VFO
switches on the RED LED.

No really big differences, but if I were to pick one up I think I'd
prefer the "B" model
as the original FV-101 has got to have some age on it.

Best 73s'
Carol L. Maher

> Hello,
>         I am lookingfor a VFO for my FT 101ee. I have seen two that 
> look like 
> they would work, but I wanted to make sure. The FV 101 and the FV 
> 101B. What 
> are the differences between the two, and will they both work with my 
> rig?
>    Thanks, Gary

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