[Yaesu] FT1000 how to upgrade SW from 5.84 to 6.0?
Claudio Veroli
claudio.veroli at nch.it
Tue Nov 23 08:11:11 EST 2004
Hi all,
does anyone know if is it possible to upgrade software in my old
FT1000 from version 5.84 to 6.0?
Is there any PC interface to control the radio with the CAT system version
Any help is welcome.
Many thanks.
Claudio I4VEQ.
Claudio Veroli . Area Carte
N.C.H. S.p.A. . Strada Maggiore, 51 . I-40125 Bologna . Italy
Phone +39-051-2868511 . Fax: +39-051-345056
Email: claudio.veroli at nch.it . Web: http://www.nchspa.com
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