[Yaesu] K1EL keyer VS. logikey

Mario ik1lbl at amsat.org
Tue Apr 5 06:46:47 EDT 2005

I don't like the internal keyer why allow me only the regulation of speed no more, second i want a new one whit memory  and third my actual keyer is a samson ETM5C whit paddles on same box but i have buy an handcraft Alberto Frattini I1QOD iambic magnetic paddles, thats is the reason.
Thanks a lot for yaurs answer Bob and Bill !

======= At 2005-04-05, 04:25:23 you wrote: =======

>You don't say what you don't like about the FT990s keyer and if you have 
>used your out board keyer for all these years, keep using it and save your 
>I use a  1960, Hallicrafters HA1 (W9TO) out board keyer with my FT1000MP. 
>Oh, the HA1 keyer is a tube type.
>Bob K9CGD
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Mario" <ik1lbl at amsat.org>
>To: "yaesu" <yaesu at contesting.com>
>Sent: Monday, April 04, 2005 3:24 PM
>Subject: [Yaesu] K1EL keyer VS. logikey
>> Hello, everybody
>> Since i have buy my FT-990 im not happy of the internal keyer and always i 
>> have used an external keyer, now i want to change whit a new one on kit, 
>> im not able to decide what buy, the k1el or the one of the logikey from 
>> idiom press.
>> Any one have one of this memory keyer or better both two ?
>> sorry for my poor english hi
>>  best 73 de IK1LBL
>> Mario
>> ik1lbl at amsat.org
>> 2005-04-04
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Best regards.				 
ik1lbl at amsat.org

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