[Yaesu] Yaesu Digest, Vol 36, Issue 11

Jan Erik Holm sm2ekm at telia.com
Sat Dec 17 01:43:39 EST 2005

Please clarify this for me.

dgmaley at inav.net wrote:

> 6. The noise blanker gain needs turned up more, but also 
> does a much
> better job.
"Much better job" Please explain in what way?
> 7. The best example of performance improvement is to tell 
> you about is a
> net I like to check into on 3970KHz.  There's a station, 
> running legal
> limit into a directional array on 3967.5KHz that's S9+60. 
> With the
> roofing filter, and using the 1.8KHz I.F. filters, he's 
> gone.
Is this correct, S-9+60dB and he is "gone" 2.5 kHz on the side?
What is you noise floor?
> Dave  WA0ZZG
Also please tell me, does this radio have the W8JI noise blanker fix?

73 Jim SM2EKM

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