[Yaesu] Ft-1000

Robin Thompson robin at g3tkf.freeserve.co.uk
Sat Feb 26 04:48:22 EST 2005

In message <003a01c51bad$aa979480$c080a8c0 at laptop>, "Joe Subich, K4IK" 
<k4ik at subich.com> writes
>NZ3O, Byron writes:
>> That's weird.  Mine doesn't work that way.  Although I know there
>> is a sync of CPU between the two, I sometimes leave the sub on
>> the wrong band and it still hears (split, you know) when I move to
>> a new band and work someone else.  What am I missing?
>The receiver bandpass filters do not have infinite rejection and
>they tend to have better rejection above the operating band than
>below.  Thus, with all of the FT-1000 series
Have a look at these pages....


City of Bath

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