[Yaesu] Couple of FT890 questions
Nate Bargmann
n0nb at networksplus.net
Fri Nov 4 06:38:49 EST 2005
* John Geiger <ne0p at lcisp.com> [2005 Nov 03 22:05 -0600]:
> How well does the NB in the FT890 do on line noise and other crud you get in a slightly older residential neighborhood? Looked at the reviews on eham.net, and didn't see much about the NB in the 890. I have found that the recent Yaesu rigs have very good NBs in them.
I found it does very well over the years. I used mine in my old S-10
pickup which had a nice combination of electrical hash and ignition
intereference. The 890's NB was able to mask all of it enough for good
comms on 40 to 10m. I only tried 80m once or twice and I think I was
limited more by a lack of an effective antenna installation.
> And does the FT890 have a WIDTH control for narrowing the passband? Or just an IF shift.
No, IF shift only.
> What is the typical price for a mint condition FT890 with autotuner installed?
I don't know as I've been out of the radio market for several years. I
paid $800 for mine which really was mint in spring of '99. It is the
AT version plus it had the tighter Yaesu SSB filter and the 400 Hz CW
filter installed. It's the only radio I've never had the covers off
of and it's NOT for sale.
73, de Nate >>
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