[Yaesu] ft301 help needed
iz8app at katamail.com
iz8app at katamail.com
Mon Aug 7 10:12:22 EDT 2006
Hi, my ft301 is death during a light-storm.
The pa unit and the booster unit was damaged, and in Italy where I live is impossible to find the two S10-12 and the two s2535 power transistor via official Yaesu channel.
I think the transistors are some kind of custom made by motorola for yaesu, but I can find any source for part even compatible part on the net.
Any known source in the world ?
Any one know the specs of S10-12 and s2535 ??
Any ideas to make some MRF-xxx works on my ft301 ??
My dear ft301 is death forever due the lack of parts??
Thanks in advance
73' de gabriele IZ8APP
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