[Yaesu] FT920 and filters.

ddicky@gazeta.pl ddicky at gazeta.pl
Sun Feb 5 15:19:13 EST 2006

Hallo All,
I am using Yaesu trx FT920. The trx has SSB filter 2,4 kHz and CW
filter 500Hz. In the last CQ WW 160 Contest I had problem with the
reception. My filters are too wide. I'il like to change my filter 
for CW 500 Hz on INRAD 250 Hz and SSB 2,4kHz on INRAD 1,8 kHz.

Have you got any experience in this? How can I fix those filters? Is
it possible to fix, on the board in FT 920, one filter on CW and one
filter on SSB only? Can I replace YF116C (500 Hz) and XF8,2M filters
(2,4KHz),installed on my board already, with INRAD filters?

73 de Ryszard

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