[Yaesu] FT-736R CAT Issue

K3SK k3sk at hiddenacresfarm.com
Wed Feb 15 07:57:56 EST 2006

It's my understanding, you can control the rig thru the CAT interface.
Meaning you cna send some data to command the radio to a freq and mode, but
you CAN NOT read back the status.   Therefore, any manual tuning or mode
changes will not be reflected in the software.
de K3SK


From: Sean Sharkey [mailto:g0oan at btinternet.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2006 6:57 AM
To: K3SK
Cc: Yaesu at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [Yaesu] FT-736R CAT Issue


This data is already available via the CAT (RS232) interface on the 736, see
the owners manual for further details.

As for a piece of software that already does this very successfully,
at least for the Apple Macintosh, see MacLoggerDX from;


Sorry don't know any for the PC platform.

Hope this helps.


On 15 Feb 2006, at 11:39, K3SK wrote:

Has anyone ever developed or heard of any mods to 'read' freq and mode data
from the FT-736R? I would like to interface it to contest software.

de k3sk
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