[Yaesu] FT-1000D fan noise

Darrell Gordon w4cx at bellsouth.net
Wed Jul 26 07:40:36 EDT 2006

Up until a few months ago, I owned an FT-1000D.  If you love your FT-1000D,
don't mess around with turning down the fan speed.  Replacements for the
power transistors are obsolete and *impossible* to find. (Trust me on this)

But I agree that the fan noise can drive you nuts.  Or I should say, the
"on-off-on-off-on-off" fan noise can drive you nuts.  Why not find a way to
wire the fan to stay ON continuously and let your brain learn to filter the
noise?  It was the on-off pattern that always distracted me. 

Jim, can you spot an easy way to bypass the temperature detector 'closed'?

Darrell W4CX

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