[Yaesu] Sherwood Engineering test numbers

John Geiger johngeig at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 15 16:58:05 EDT 2006

How much stock does everyone place in the Sherwood
Engineering receiver test numbers (www.sherweng.com)? 
While I admit that the 2khz spacing is a much more
useful measurement than the 20khz the ARRL has used
for a long time, and I believe that Rob Sherwood knows
what he is talking about when he tests receivers, I
have a hard time believing some of his numbers.

For example, he measures the 2khz IMD DR for the Icom
706MKIIG at 74db. This places it right in line with
the PROII and PROIII at 75db, and better than the
756PRO (71db), FT1000D (69db), FT1000mp MK V (69db),
and the Icom 746 (70db).  Now I have owned many of
these radios, and I did not find the 706MKIIG to have
that good of a receiver, definitely not better than
the 756PRO or the Yaesu FT1000 series.  It overloaded
pretty bad under contest conditions.  What am I
missing in his measurements, that makes the 706MKIIG
look so much better than these other radios?

73s John W5TD 

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