[Yaesu] International Radio Service Division

K4SO at aol.com K4SO at aol.com
Mon Dec 17 21:15:44 EST 2007

I found an old post about the tuning upgraders for the FT-1000 from  
International Radio's Service Division and thought I'd throw in a caution, based  on 
my experience. The last post I saw did have a happy ending however.
I ordered a monitor board for $60 or so for a TS-450 and never received the  
item or any notification of receipt of the Money Order. I knew I was gambling, 
 but wanted it bad enough to take the risk. I can only assume the fellow 
there is  in some sort of trouble, and sincerely hope the $60 helped.
Merry Christmas.
Caveat Emptor.
73, Mark
_www.k4so.com_ (http://www.k4so.com) 

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