[Yaesu] FT450 receiver performance

John Geiger aa5jg at lcisp.com
Fri Jun 29 16:58:29 EDT 2007

That sale price at Gigaparts for the Yaesu FT450 really has me interested.
What is the receiver performance like on the 450?  Is it closer to the
FT857D in performance, or more like the FT920?  Would it be equal to or
better than an Icom 746?  And how does the voice recorder work?  That is
certainly a nice feature in it.

73s John AA5JG
(ex: W5TD, NE0P, N0EEN, KA0IFG)
Confirmed 6M addict: 6M WAS #1275, 6m VUCC #1260

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