[Yaesu] FT990 spares ROM v1.3 :)

Pat Barthelow aa6eg at hotmail.com
Fri Nov 9 10:11:56 EST 2007

Does anyone know how to identify exactly which ROM-Ware one has in an FT-990?
Can you interrogate it via serial control?   N6IJ has a privately owned FT-990
(owned by AE0M), and has used it extensively with Rig Control Software, Writelog.
If it has the right version of Firmware/ROMware, is the ROM a standard type of ROM, such as Intel's line of 27128 or 27256, that could be easily and safely duplicated?
Its rig control is via standard serial port, and there is a Yaesu made box that converts voltage levels between the radio and standard + - 12 v RS 232 levels.

All the Best, 73,
Pat Barthelow     aa6eg at hotmail.com
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Jamesburg Earth Station  Moon Bounce Team

> From: cparnell1001 at mac.com
> To: yaesu at contesting.com
> Date: Sat, 10 Nov 2007 03:55:35 +1300
> Subject: [Yaesu] FT990 spares ROM v1.3 :)
> As much as this seems tongue in cheek, it appears that Yaesu released  
> a radio with a ROM that just didn't work with a computer on ROM V1.2  
> of the 990. (according to feedback!!)
> So, I love this radio and would like to control it by the computer (I  
> am sure it stated CAT control somewhere in Yaesu's marketing on the  
> 990).  With no immediate resolution being on ROM V1.2, I would like to  
> appeal to the better nature of people and hope they would point me in  
> the direction of friends that have a "spare" ROM v1.3 that I could  
> purchase?? :-) EVER HOPEFUL :)
> Cheers,
> Chris - ZL1CDP
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