[Yaesu] ft757GX frequency display

kc8byf at woh.rr.com kc8byf at woh.rr.com
Sun Sep 14 13:49:46 EDT 2008

...FT-757GX that has a slight problem.  The frequency display is a little bit out of calibration.  It is off by the same amount in the given direction no matter what frequency, band or mode.  For example if talking on  28.427.0 USB the digital display reads 28.426.8... As well if I were to go to 3.950.0 LSB the digital display reads the same percentage off the actual frequency.  The same is observed in CW mode as well. The amount of discrepancy is the same percentage in all modes though the "direction" of the error is either + or - depending on mode. (normal)

The service manual (Technical Supplement) does provide information on aligning the local unit.  After the alignment to the components, per spec, the discrepancy still remains in the digital display. 

...Are there things we are missing?

...Is there an "alignment" for the digital display that is either being overlooked or perhaps that is not in the Tech Supp?

...Any help would be much appreciated.

Thank You

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