[Yaesu] Power down

Edward Soriano docward87 at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 20 18:42:07 PST 2010


sorry, not sure if its in the proper forum, ....but just wanna ask owners of ft847 and tech guys as well  in the group

My Ft847 tx power on ssb HF bands suddenly went down from 100w. Almost 2 bars only on the LED meter.  But intermittently it will tx between 50w to a hundred watts then back to 2 bars. UHF and VHF have no problem. I wonder if it has separate finals from HF. 

Checked all connections. Did a hard reset. Even hooked it up to a dummy load. Problem persisted.

Any idea what happened? Anything I can do? Sorry not a tech guy.

73 de Ed

Edward B. Soriano, M.D.
4F1OZ also W3DOC


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