[Yaesu] WTB: Yaesu YSK-100 Sep. Kit and FT-100D Box

Dypete at aol.com Dypete at aol.com
Mon Nov 22 06:06:06 PST 2010

Hello all and thank you for reading my post.

I am looking  for Yaesu YSK-100 Sep. Kit and FT-100D Box.
Any information would be  greatly  appreciated.


Peter  Giacopelli
"Carpe Diem" 
"Seize the day"
"It's OK to think about what  you want(ed) to do but it's time to do what 
you were meant to do."
"Life can  only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards" - 
Søren  Kierkegaard
"Nature does nothing uselessly" Aristotle
"Improvise, Adapt,  Overcome" movie " Heartbreak Ridge"
"Remember, Progress not  perfection!"
“Success is not something to wait for : it is something to work  for.”
"The best way to help yourself is to help someone  else"

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