[Yaesu] Yaesu FT857 6m oscillation fix details wanted

John Geiger af5cc at fidmail.com
Fri Jul 12 20:41:53 EDT 2013

I have an early model Yaesu FT857 that has now developed the dreaded 6 meter
oscillation problem. It had the poor audio on 6m for about 5 weeks after I
it, then it started going into oscillation part of the time on 6m, now it
it all of the time. This is not the self oscillation that occurs when the
circuit board screws are loose-with those, you see power immediately upon
the mic.

With my problem you don't see any trouble until you start speaking or
keying it
in CW. Then the power goes above 100 watts and the SWR is high since it is
oscillating at a frequency that the antenna isn't tuned for.

Has anyone on the list had their rig repaired by Yaesu or another repair
for this? I am interested in exactly what was done to fix it, and how much
labor was required. I am trying to figure out if it is going to cost an arm
a leg to repair it. I spoke to Yaesu and one other place today and they had
some differing ideas about it. I would be interested in knowing exactly what
will fix it.

73 John AF5CC

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