[Yaesu] FS: Yaesu FT1000MP special documentation

John Geiger af5cc2 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 17 21:20:48 EDT 2017

I have a couple of special manuals for the Yaesu FT1000MP for sale.

1. The FT1000MP Technical Supplement.  This is like a mini service manual.
It does contain alignment procedures and disassembly instructions. It is
standard paper, about 20 pages long or so, I am asking $10 shipped for it.

2. A FT1000MP Technical Overview.  This is high quality glossy paper, 46
pages long, and goes through the features and menu settings of the
FT1000MP, among other things.  It is definitely a great looking book.  I
will include the Yaesu glossy advertising brochure for the Yaesu FT1000MP
with it.  I am asking $20 shipped for it.

I can take paypal/check/MO.

73 John AF5CC

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