[Yaesu] Level of radio and SSB performance
John Geiger
af5cc2 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 25 22:11:23 EDT 2017
Last year I was able to use a Yaesu FT1000D for a couple of months, and was
surprised at how much better it seemed to be doing on SSB contacts compared
to my normal rigs. Yes, it does 200 watts which is a 3DB gain, which
sometimes can make a huge difference, but I was also thinking that maybe
the SSB transmit audio was more "powerful".
Now over the past decade or so my rigs have pretty much been either an Icom
706 series, a Yaesu FT857 or FT100D, or a Yaesu FT450. Most of these are
mobile rigs and use AF speech processing, when RF speech processing is
Anyways, might I get better SSB performance by going to a traditional base
rig? Do these mobile type radios tend to have whimpier or less dominating
audio? Would a FT990 or FT1000MP series radio probably have punchier audio?
BTW, what are some of the current and recent Yaesus that use RF speech
73 John AF5CC
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