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[AMPS] filter caps

To: <>
Subject: [AMPS] filter caps
From: (
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 12:03:04 -0500
On Thu, 17 Dec 1998 14:52:37 -0500 "Dick Hanson" <>
>Let me apologize in advance for taking space away from 73 and furby 
>c____. This note is for folks who still build power
>supplies. All Electronics has an ad in this month's issue of QST for 
>Nichicon electrolytics, 470mf @ 450V, 105 degree C, for $3 each or 10 
>$22.50. I think that's a pretty good deal and thought some of you 
>might have
>an interest. See page 144 of Jan. QST. I am in no way connected to 
>company......just passing on info.
>Dick Hanson....K5AND   EM74
>7540 Williamsberg Dr.
>Cumming, Ga.  30041

 I would like to warn anyone contemplating a PS build or
very careful about capacitor specs. I have no idea what the ESR ratings
of the advertised Nichicon are but experience has steered me away from
ANY import that does not at least equal the CDE 381LX series specs. The
CDE are designed ( and USA built) for high ripple current switching
supplies and are quite adequate in many ham supplies including the hard
service voltage doublers common in many amps. Sold at Mouser for decent

Nichicon is a fine company and built the caps for Heath, Dentron and
others for years before getting out of that particular market.  The
advent of high power switching supplies has now brought about a whole new
generation of quality electrolytics BUT you have to be able to
distinguish the difference from standard consumer grade versions.

When in doubt the Computer Grade types ( Mallory CGS series, etc) are
always safe to use.

73  Carl  KM1H
Amplifier Repairs and 6M Conversions our Speciality
National Radio 1963-69

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