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[AMPS] If you cant run with the big dogs!

To: <>
Subject: [AMPS] If you cant run with the big dogs!
From: (Tom Hix W4TH)
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 18:58:55 -0500 (CDT)
On October 25 Remi writes:
Hello ALL, 
As you can see one guy is compeating with all the world. But the real
winners are YOU - just try to remember his first prices and what he are
offering now. I ever never compeating with stupid sellers - who will
sell lower. Just ask him to compensate the difference. 
To let you know the price Tom having the GU74b tube is 50USD shipped so
go ahead and hanggle with him. I never saw so nervous persone before. 
GOOD LUCK TOM..................... 
Remi LY2MW 
Remi If you cant stand the heat why don't you just get out of the
kitchen? I am not the one who started this price war, you are! And yes
the hams are the winners. 
Let's face it Remi, you just cant compete, if you could you would have
offered an even cheaper price to the good people here on the reflector
than I have, but you didn't do that did you? No, all you did was to make
personal attacks at me and say things like I am a "stupid seller".
I am afraid you have a lot to learn about the US way of doing business
Remi. You see when someone starts cutting prices, we have a little thing
here in the US called "COMPETITION" I am sure that is a totally unheard
of concept since you come from a country that had the economy controlled
by the government for nearly 50 years.
But "competition" means that if you lower your prices, I am going to
lower mine, and if I lower mine to a price with which you can not
compete, then the only thing left for you to do is shut up and accept
things the way they are. That is the way a man would act, but what do
you do, you get on the reflector and piss and moan about someone beating
your prices.
So unless you can offer the guys on here an even cheaper price than what
I have, why don't you just shut up and learn to act like a real man.
Would you like to buy some tubes Remi?
ha ha ha ha ha. Remember you are the one that brought this to the
reflector in the first place, and not me.
I would like to remind all of you that I am still selling my Svetlana
gu74b/4cx800a tubes with new matching sockets for $100.00. These tubes
all come in the factory boxes, and many, (not all) are still sealed in
plastic. All tubes have a 90 day warranty (see my website for details)
I have said it before and I will say it again, I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD!!
Sorry for this uncharacteristic outburst folks, but when someone starts
calling me "stupid" just because they cant compete with my prices, and
does it in a public forum. I am not going to just sit and take it. Now
or ever.
Tom Hix

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