> I have one of the new Palomar amps, it is the HD-250. It come with
> no paper work whatsoever. It operates from 10-40 with no tuning (it cannot
> tuned). I use it in conjunction with a 25 watt Radio Shack rig & it works
> very well. Does anyone out there have any information or diagrams for this
> amp? It uses two MRF-454's in the output. I would also like to add: there
> also some amps that are identical with the name GALAXY on them.
Hi Nate,
I'd be real careful about using such an amplifier. It certainly could not
pass FCC requirements for harmonics and spurious, and it almost certainly
splatters a great deal.
I tested some similar amps and found the IM3 was around -20dB at full power,
and -15dB at low power levels! It had junk out many many orders higher.
Look at your amp, and see what they use for biasing the base of the
transistors forward. While that doesn't tell the whole story, if there is
improper biasing you can be absolutely sure you have a splatter box. In
general CB amps belong on CB, where they are state of the art for CB
amps...not on ham bands.
73 Tom