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Re: [Amps] a 'circuits' question

To: Steve Thompson <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] a 'circuits' question
From: Dan Sawyer <>
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2004 20:59:20 -0700
List-post: <>
Steve, thank you for your reply.

I have 8 working parts. 3 are nearly identical in bias and measure a gain of 4.5 cm +or- .1 cm. A fourth part has an identical gain but a bias that is significantly different. The other parts have very different bias.

Are 2 cycles sufficient to determine a common gain?

If the gain is common will a bias that is off by a cycle step create a problem?

Would selecting a part with a 10% difference in gain but similar bias create a better balance?


Steve Thompson wrote:

On Thursday 09 September 2004 03:21, Dan Sawyer wrote:


Thank you. I was trying to drive the MOSFET in the linear region. I
figured gm would be accurate for the linear region and that bias
adjustment would be accurate for a particular initial condition. I was
speculating that even given those two points the shape of the drive
curve might not be identical. Is this true??

It could be true although, in my experience, mismatch has to be very significant before there's any appreciable effect on overall performance (assuming matching for bias voltage, or separate bias controls). If you do the threshold and gm tests, then any pair with gm within 10% from the same batch code is likely to be fine. For dynamic matching, a gain selection at the intended operating power is probably all you need.


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