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Re: [Amps] Ameritron Amps

Subject: Re: [Amps] Ameritron Amps
From: Steve Thompson <>
Date: Tue, 01 Aug 2006 07:18:51 +0100
List-post: <>
R L Measures wrote:
> On Jul 31, 2006, at 6:09 AM, k7fm wrote:
>>Rich asked:
>>"So why didn't the entire envelope melt, Mr. Rauch?"
>>A hole lets the imprisoned vacuum out.  Strangely, at that point,  
>>the heat goes away also.  That stops the meltdown.  Sort of like a  
> A small hole was near the anode stem.  There was no indication of  
> excessive heat on the sides.   Had the glass softened from anode IR  
> radiation, would not the sides of the glass have softened a bit?.
Is there any form of manufacturing defect, or damage, which could 
account for what happened?

Rich, please clarify:
Are we talking about an Eimac 3-500Z?
Who witnessed this happen?
Did it happen more than once?


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