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Re: [Amps] Heathkit Warrior High Plate Current

Subject: Re: [Amps] Heathkit Warrior High Plate Current
From: Steve Thompson <>
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2008 20:35:50 +0100
List-post: <">>
> I recently bought an "as is" Heathkit HA - 10 Warrior.  The amp is in good 
> overall condition, but I'm having a problem that has me stumped. Here is a 
> little background........ The amp has relays installed for transmit / receive 
> switching and standby bias switching.  The standby bias is around -75v and 
> the 
> bias during transmit is -7v.  The plate current is around 30 ma with the 
> cutoff 
> bias applied which is normal.

Forgive my ignorance about this amp, but 30mA with 75V of cutoff 
bias is 'normal'? Where is it going?

I concur with the other comments about likely faults - but I'd add 
a question as to whether the current meter is telling the truth.

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