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Re: [Amps] Meter Face Making

To: <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Meter Face Making
From: David G4FTC <>
Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2008 19:24:24 +0000
List-post: <">>

> I am trying to make some new meter scales using the trial version of the 
> Tonne software called "Meter". I am trying to make a center zero scale. 
> What I want is 100ma - 0 - 100ma. I can't find on the Tonne software where 
> this can be done. It makes the zero on the left end of the scale only. Am 
> I missing something? Can someone direct me to free software that can do 
> this?

When I made some meter scales a few years back, I simply scanned the old meter
scale using a flatbed scanner, and modified the calibration lettering using
Photoshop, but any image editing software should do.
I then printed the new meter scales on "Avery" self adhesive labels and stuck
on the reverse of the old meter scale.
Why the reverse - in case I wanted to reuse the meter with the old scale as
I was concerned if the adhesive may damage the original printing.
David G4FTC
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