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Re: [Amps] An Extra Thank You!

Subject: Re: [Amps] An Extra Thank You!
From: Jeff Carter <>
Date: Thu, 5 Mar 2009 15:55:01 -0500
List-post: <">>
Congratulations!  It's such a rush to work on something like that and
see it work when you're done.

To answer your questions, I have to say it's been a while, and I'm
sure AMPS will jump in and correct me if I'm wrong, but here's how I
*think* I remember that this is done.

For gain in dB, I think it's 10*log(power out/power in).  So in your
case, it's 10*log(450/20), or 10* log(22.5)= 13.5218251811 db.

For efficiency, it's basically how much of the power is used and how
much is turned into heat, and I can't for the life of me remember how
that's calculated.

I bet Dan knows...and he's much better with the math than I am.


---- Original message ----
>Date: Thu, 5 Mar 2009 14:39:35 -0600
>From: "KB0NLY" <>
>Subject: [Amps] An Extra Thank You!
>To: <>
>Just wanted to post an extra Thank You to the reflector for all those that 
>have been patient with me and helping.  My 6M amp project has been completed!  
>It was powered up and brought to life today finally after much careful 
>planning and building.
>Initial tests prove it's working rather well!
>Input 20w
>Output 450w
>Plate 375mA
>Grid 80mA
>I was told to keep the GI7B at or below 400mA on the Plate and 150mA on the 
>Grid, i can do that easily.  It will make a bit more power but it's maxing out 
>my wattmeter now!
>I do have one final question for everyone here.  Knowing these numbers, input, 
>output, plate and grid, how does one calculate the amp's gain and or 
>efficiency?  I was trying to make sense of the info in the handbook but it was 
>slightly over my head with all their calculations.  I'm looking for an Elmer 
>answer on this one!
>Thanks and 73!
>PS:  I will finish updating my website this afternoon with pictures of the 
>completed amp.
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