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Re: [Amps] TenTec Centurion - 422 tuning question

To: amps <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] TenTec Centurion - 422 tuning question
From: Ron Youvan <>
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2010 15:28:25 +0000
List-post: <">>
Bruce Meier wrote:

> I seem to be having a tuning issue with a recently purchased used Centurion.
> Specifically, there doesn't seem to be sufficient capacitance in the LOADING
> for 40, 80, 160.   When tuning I run the LOAD cap up to 10 (MAX) and the
> power output has not yet peaked.  The worse band is 160.  There the 3-500s
> get VERY red with light operating.   Here is what I have done so far but, in
> my opinion, none of this should have been required as the amps do work.   I
> think mine has an issue.

   I would add a 200 mFd at 600 Volts across the loading capacitor and see if:
  1. it cures the problem on  40, 80 and 160.
  2. you can still properly adjust loading control in your highest channel.

If so you are fixed, if you have too much capacity on your highest band you 
need a new loading 
capacitor with the same minimum capacity and more maximum capacity.  (by 200 
mFd or more)
   If you are closer, but not there, try 400 mFd at 600 Volts instead of 200 
mFd at 600 Volts.
    Ron KA4INM - I'm proud to be Chuck's pop!
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