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Re: [Amps] 572b

To: "Jeff Blaine" <>, <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] 572b
From: "Carl" <>
Date: Thu, 2 May 2013 19:11:10 -0400
List-post: <">>
The 160W Pd of the Chinese tubes is a fallacy many fall into atho the Shuguan spec clearly states 125W and I dont care what RFP claims.

The last few batches appear to have thicker anodes but I stress "appear".
OTOH they also take longer to show color when pushed as an AM linear in a Clipperton L BUT I have also been increasing the bias a bit to improve efficiency while not showing any linearity degredation on the SA. At 350W of carrier output for several hours of 40 and 75M ragchews (no color at that level) the amp and tubes appear no worse for wear. Naturally the built in fan is running at full speed when in TX.

That amp is back to the customer and is the third 4 x 572B amp Ive made that change to, the other is a Hunter Bandit 2000B.

The next step is to see how my main amp, a LK-500ZC, responds, and then to the Alpha 76PA when I get a chance. A NCL-2000 is also in the repair que and the owner is into AM so that will also get a look see into what can be done.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Jeff Blaine" <>

I have used about 8 of the Chinese 572 specifically for torture testing in RTTY service and I can say without qualification that the plate dissipation limit (IIRC 160w) is not something which will keep the tube in long service. But whipping the hell out of these tubes in AM/FM/RTTY service with all the guns blazing is not the common application.

I would expect the current breed to give long SSB service as long as tuning is done properly and kept to a minimum. For CW, almost as well. From there, it goes down hill fast.

Comparing them with prior generations makes no sense because there are virtually zero NOS old tubes remaining. You either buy the Chinese (through some direct or distribution method) - and that is the only source available and take what service life you can get. Or you can flip to another tube type at some considerable amount of work and expense.


-----Original Message----- From: L L bahr
Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2013 5:00 PM
Subject: Re: [Amps] 572b

If quality control is so poor, how do you test for longevity or robustness? Just checking the emission when new may have nothing to do with longevity. I'd like to know how well a Chinese 572B will hold up compared to a Cetron 572B. I wonder what short cuts the manufacturer has taken in production when many new ones go out the door with poor emission. What else is wrong with them? Maybe it's time for these amplifiers to be retrofitted with other type tubes.

Lee, w0vt

----- Original Message -----
There's no doubt that the manufacturer is the problem, but since they are the only one making them and most Ham's just need a few, a reputable distributer is very important in the supply chain. He tests them before selling them to be confident that they worked when they left his facility, that is one of the reasons he is considered reputable. It costs more, but he must becompensated for his time. A reputable dealer is paramount in buying a tube you know has a decent chance of being good, andis the one thing you can do anything about-choose who you buy from !! Cheers, Matt 73AD7XN
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