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Re: [Amps] Solid state relays..again

Subject: Re: [Amps] Solid state relays..again
From: "Roger (K8RI)" <>
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2014 11:21:15 -0500
List-post: <">>
On 2/11/2014 8:53 AM, Jim Thomson wrote:
When I had my old drake T4XC transmitter, about every 40th time I turned it 
on.... it just went
click and turned on. The other 39 times it made a helluva thump noise inside 
the xfmr!   There was
NO step start on the outboard AC4  power supply.  My conclusion was I hit a 
zero V crossing  aprx
every 40th time.   The zero V cross  SSRs  caught my eye soon after that.
Sounds like my old 50A Astron. Big transformer and rectifiers. Pass 
transistors for a regulator.  Once in a while that thing turns on with a 
WHummpppp and a low frequency ringing that just trails off.

The SSR is just an on-off switch.......and so is a contactor.    On a lot of 
contactors, the contacts are field
replaceable and ditto with the solenoid coil.  Unlike a relay, a contactor is 
essentially two sets of contacts
in series...per pole.   Any arc is split into 2 x arcs  = zero arcs.
Many have "arc chutes" as well.


Roger (K8RI)

  They open off fast due to the typ huge spring tension.
Of course you need one helluva lot of magnetism to overcome the spring tension. 
 Small stuff like P+B 40A  relays
have next to nothing for spring tension, and contacts are prone to welding shut.

I find it amusing that all our HVAC stuff at work still uses contactors.  Sure  
P+B showed an example of a 150 hp electric motor
run on 600V 3 phase..all using a huge mess of SSRs in series parallel.   
Problem is.... it would be a trick to trouble shoot
and isolate any int problems...or hard faults.

Jim  VE7RF
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