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Re: [Amps] 50V FET output transformer

Subject: Re: [Amps] 50V FET output transformer
From: Larry Benko <>
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 08:21:43 -0600
List-post: <">>

I have built approximately 50 RF transformers in the past several years. There are 2 types of loss in these circuits: dissipative loss (think heat) and mismatch loss (think uncontrolled leakage inductance, wrong transmission line Zo in the transformer etc.). Dissipative loss in the transformer consists of copper loss in the wires and heat in the ferrite cores. Generally mismatch loss is the problem. In your case the Zo of the 2 transformers needs to be 6.26 ohms and 25 ohms, leads need to be short, and the ferrite choking impedance needs to be large enough to balance the amp output currents. Are you sure that if you loaded your amp with 3.125 + j0 ohms (50/16) you would be happy with the efficiency? I generally use a 50 ohm (or 25 or 12.5 ohm) dummy loads connected to a large L network (very low loss) and use a VNA to get the desired impedance at the connection point to the amp. Then you can see if your amp would work better with a load that is slightly reactive (it probably will).

Approaching this problem in a logical manner will show you where the problem is.

Larry, W0QE

On 7/22/2014 11:49 AM, Dan Simmonds wrote:
Has anyone built an output transformer for a 50V LDMOS FET (Freescale device) that could lend some help with this?

By my estimation a 16:1 constructed of (2) 4:1 Guanella’s should give a satisfactory match to 50 ohms. The XFMR I've built currently only gives about 33% efficiency.


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