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Re: [Amps] Comet vacuum variable capacitor data

Subject: Re: [Amps] Comet vacuum variable capacitor data
From: Alan Ibbetson <>
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2017 10:40:34 +0000
List-post: <">>
Hello Marv. Thanks very much for looking up the details. It looked good until you mentioned it is direct pull. That would require some head scratching and time in the workshop which makes the eBay item unattractive, especially with the guy's high asking price and his inability to hi-pot test it. I think I'll keep looking.
I'm half tempted to use a multi-gang air variable from an old broadcast 
radio. I don't need a high voltage rating, there is less than 300v peak, 
but I need it to carry at least 10 amps. The flimsy rotor wiper on BC 
variables looks inadequate for that much current but maybe if I added a 
collar to the spindle with a flexible braid strap to the frame it would 
On the other hand a vac variable with a 10-turn counter (which I already 
have) seems a lot more workmanlike.
Thanks for your help everyone, both on and off this list.

73, Alan

On 27/01/2017 03:25, Radio WC6W wrote:
Hi Alan, The minimum C is 12pf
30A @ 1MHz & 2000pf
70A @ 10 MHz at any C
40A @ 30 MHz at any C
It is a direct pull (no screw drive) unit requiring 17KG max. pull.

Incidentally, it is rated 3KV operating / 5 KV test.

73 and very dark by you, Marv WC6W


Alan Ibbetson
Amps mailing list

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