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[Amps] Fil transformer

To: <>
Subject: [Amps] Fil transformer
From: "Jim Thomson" <>
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2017 10:01:09 -0700
List-post: <>
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2017 11:47:58 -0400
From: Kelly Taylor <>
To: Radio WC6W <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Fil transformer

<Hi Russ,

<Thanks. Just to be clear, I do not require a transformer for providing 
filament power: it's to fix a design flaw in the Clipperton L, which lacks a 
centre tap for the filament windings and instead feeds the filaments with RF on 
one side only, introducing hum. 

<The fix is to parallel a centre-tapped 6v transformer secondary with the 
filament windings on the main transformer and move the RF input to the new 
centre tap. 

<The Hammond 166j6 is ideal, as it can be added with no metalwork, and you 
simply cut off and tape the primary windings. 

<73, kelly, ve4xt,

###   There is no RF on the CT...... its just the return for the B-....  IE:   
DC plate current.   But we know what u mean.   Seems  nuts that dentron would  
use a fil xfmr winding that lacks a CT.    That will give u gross amounts of 60 
hz hum,  with the B-
being returned to the extreme left..or extreme right side of the sec winding.  
Dentron must have been asleep at the switch when they speced the xfmr. 

##  I mentioned this b4,  a local buddy  re-wound a lower V, 28 vac  xfmr.... 
with 10 gauge wire.. plus added a CT.... for his 2 x 3-500Z HB amp.   5 V at 
30A  under load.   Typ they are 5.5 vac with no load.   In his case, the loaded 
voltage was  too high,
so he removed some turns off of the sec... but only at one end of the winding 
!!    Loaded voltage was  now correct, but the CT was effectively shifted off 
to one side...producing 60 hz hum.   To do it right, he should have removed an 
equal number of windings from both the CT ends up dead center. 

##  what ever xfmr u end up using for your fix... measure the DC resistance  
from CT to each end.  They should be the same of course. 

##  The xfmr used in the dentron Clipperton L is just a single xfmr... that not 
only has the high voltage AC   for the B+..... it also has a fil winding for 
the 4 x directly heated cathodes.... and also a 3rd low vac winding for the TR 
relay and misc stuff.  

##  Dont use a small  CT xfmr thats much less than 6 vac.  If its too low, like 
3-5 vac, there will be a lot more than 120 vac  appearing on the un-used  120 
vac  primary of the retrofitted small xfmr used for the ... fix.  

##  The hammond xfmr  u picked out appears it will  fit inside the 
Dentron amp,   How the heck dentron managed to screw up something as basic 
as... CT required on a fil xfmr for a GG amp is an...  epic failure !   The 
only time a CT is not required
is for the case of a grid driven amp..and dentron never made anything other 
than GG triode amps.  They obviously never tested em properly.   In all 
fairness though, the RX at the other end would have to be capable of hearing 
the 60 hz ac component, which in my local buddys  case, was blatantly obvious 
for a 800 mile radius...and his CT was over to one side of exact center.. by 
just a little bit  vs  the oem dentron.     One would think QST  would have 
picked up on that fubar in the 1st 10 mins. 

Jim  VE7RF   

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