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Re: [Amps] Alpha 9500 questions

Subject: Re: [Amps] Alpha 9500 questions
From: Michael Tope <>
Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2020 14:33:16 -0700
List-post: <>
FWIW, if you go to the "about" tab on the Alpha RF Systems webpage, there is a link at the bottom to a job advertisement for a repair technician:

The ad is dated May 28, 2020:

73, Mike W4EF.........................................................

On 7/26/2020 11:33 AM, Robert wrote:

The ONLY amp I've regretting selling was an Alpha, a 76A, modified with pair
of 3CXP800s & HD (slightly higher voltage) Peter Dahl Xmer.

Presently have Alpha 89 sitting in my shop waiting on $26 part from Alpha.
Alpha has been in lock down for months now.
My last email has gone unanswered.   On the 89 design, leave it to Alpha to
come up with a design that shorts out part of the RF Choke in B+....
I understand the thought, not impressed.

Here is part of their web page (Under tab Store):

The Governors of TN, CO and OH have ordered the business closed due to
COVID-19 Pandemic State of Emergency.
Effective 3/23/20 We are closed until further notice.
We will not be shipping product, doing repairs or selling parts and
accessories during this time.
We may not answer emails or telephones during this time as everyone will be
at home."

IMHO, Alpha has struggled since failed whatever/law suit with a/the

As far as the 9500, nice amp.  If you read Rob Sherwood's papers, the solid
state amps being put on market don't have the signal quality of tube.
Be prepared for rough times getting it repaired - when that's needed.
Alpha can't repair or send repair parts out today

73 W5AJ

Midland, Texas

-----Original Message-----
From: Amps [] On Behalf Of Bob
Sent: Sunday, July 26, 2020 12:21 PM
Subject: [Amps] Alpha 9500 questions

Thinking of acquiring a 9500. but first need to learn a few things. someone
help me with these questions?

What are the "updates/upgrades have been done" that I often see along with a
"for sale" ad??   it seems to include (but not limited to):

What is/are the xfmr/blower/hall effect upgrades made and why are/were they
done?  What do they fix/prevent?

What others besides the above are out there?

When did they begin including these into production, at what serial

How important are they?

How easily done are they ?

Is the firmware archived somewhere to that it can be reproduced to replace a
controller if needed?

The 87A I have seems to be crippled if this occurs, as I understand there
was no archive kept of the firmware and you can end up with a brick.
Apparently some of the devices used have limited write cycles as well and
are now beginning to crap out.

-bob, w9zv

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