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Backup Mults

Subject: Backup Mults
From: oo7@astro.as.utexas.edu (Derek Wills)
Date: Mon Dec 7 13:03:33 1992
Rick N6ND says: 

        >You will not lose a multiplier for a deleted Q if you have obviously 
        >worked many stations in that country.

This was one of the thing K3ZO complained about in his NCJ piece about
ARRL log checking.   He blew the exchange with his first F on 40 and
lost the mult credit for F even though he worked "several Fs on 40
later".   It wasn't clear to me whether that was ARRL policy or just
one of several things that happened to this particular log.

Nice to run into some of you on 160 at the weekend, pardon the 100 watts -

Derek AA5BT

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