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Soliciting Contest QSOs on Packet

Subject: Soliciting Contest QSOs on Packet
From: JGellerRVZ@aol.com (JGellerRVZ@aol.com)
Date: Sun Feb 25 23:10:16 1996
I believe the intent of the rules is to W1XYZ from calling SU2MT using the
ol' AT&T landline or to stop other people from "assisting" W1XYZ by spotting
multipliers for her.  Spotting yourself on packet (144MHz) to ask someone to
move to 1.8MHz is, in my humble opinion, the same as moving to 7MHz and
asking W2ABC to meet you for a QSO back on 1.8MHz.  If you have the packet
system filter set so you are not actually receiving the 1.8MHz spots, then
you are not violating the Single Operator rule.  You are not using a
"non-amateur" means of asking for a QSO.

If push comes to shove, I don't know if the Sysops have a way of telling if
W1XYZ had the 1.8MHz filter on.  Even if they did, there is nothing to stop
the unscrupulous individual from simply monitoring the packet channel!

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