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[CQ-Contest] ARRL 10 Meter Not-In-Log

Subject: [CQ-Contest] ARRL 10 Meter Not-In-Log
From: W2CE@aol.com (W2CE@aol.com)
Date: Mon Aug 9 11:31:32 1999
In a message dated 8/9/99 08:55:22 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
jmellis@ihug.co.nz writes:

> >  I made 3 qso's on SSB and have them in my station log only. Looked at the
>  > ARRL rules and don't think this is a violation but it sure makes a 
>  > for the log checkers. Hope this helps. 73, Bert K2BA

People better get used to uniques and no log entries from very small 
operations, especially in new tech plus operators on 10 meters. It's fun to 
work a few contest stations but not being experienced or competitive they 
often don't bother sending in logs.

I often tune around in contests and work a few friends on at the time but I 
know that of the few I work all are going to send in logs so I will appear in 
the database.  I don't send in logs except for Sweepstakes.

I wonder why though, with the correct exchange information in the log of 
K1TTT that the computer did not find it and assess the error as a blown call 
at K1TTT. 

The SS checking software pulled forward the correct exchange to determine 
busted calls rather than a NIL.

Then again Dave was well pushed in deadline as he said many weeks ago.

I still think that all the new log checking procedures should run as a test 
and officially the following year.  At least there is time to overcome the 
shock and time for the writers to debug the problems.

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