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[CQ-Contest] Force12 C 31XR Vs. Bencher Skyhawk

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Force12 C 31XR Vs. Bencher Skyhawk
From: cx6vm@adinet.com.uy (Jorge Diez Furest)
Date: Fri Dec 10 16:35:29 1999
Thanks guys very much for the info you sent to me. I get some usefull 
At this moment I have that the Force12 C 31XR and the Bencher Skyhawk will be 
the two oneĀ“s between I will chose.
I think that will be the Force12 but:
Some guys say to me that Force12 have a powerful Marketing and have the same 
performance than Skyhawk.
The Skyhawk is smaller so if it have the same performance will be better, I 
think that C31XR is better because it have longer boom and 3, 4 and 7 elem 
against 3,3 and 4 from Skyhawk on 20, 15 and 10 respectively.
 What do you think???

So finally I want to get more comparison info between this two antennas, the 
Force12 C-31XR and the Bencher Skyhawk
At the end of the mail are some info about this two antennas that I got from 
the internet

Thanks very much
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2000

Specifications Force12  C-31 XR

The C-31 XR is composed of three overlaid monobanders: for 20 mtrs, there is a 
wide-spaced 3 element; on 15, it has a wide spaced 4 element; and, on 10 mtrs, 
there are 7 elements, for a total of 14. The feed system is a new development 
by FORCE 12, utilizing both open sleeve and closed sleeve systems. It can be 
used as a single feedline and be changed in the field to separate feedlines 
C-31XR (14 elements, 1, 2 or 3 Feedlines) 
Boom Length     Wind Load       Freq. in MHz    Gain @74'       Net Gain        
F/B Ratio       VSWR (max)      Turning Radius  Wt.
31'             10.7    14.000-14.350   14.0dBi 6.0dBd  20      <1.7:1  23.8'   
82#     <200in/lb       
                        21.000-21.450   14.3    6.3     22      <1.7:1          
                        28.000-29.300   15.6    7.4     21      <1.7:1 
Additional Data:                100mph rating, 120mph optional. 30-inch open 
space at center                                                            

Specifications  Bencher Skyhawk
 - 3 bands, 20, 15 and 10 meters, with 10 full sized
elements, 3 full sized elements for 20 meters, 3 full sized elements for
15 meters, and 4 full sized element s for 10 meters.

Overall Boom Length: 24 feet
Wind Load: 8.5 Square feet
Turning Radius: 22 feet
Weight: 75 pounds
Wind Survival: 90 mph with no ice
Boom Diameter: 2 inches
Feed: Single Feed Line, 50 ohm
Balun: 2.5 KW, included
Maximum Power Rating: 2.5 KW

20 Meters:

Effective Boom Length: 23 feet
VSWR: less than 1.4:1 between 14.0 and 14.35 mHz., measured at feedpoint
Front to Back: >20 dB across the entire band
F/B peaks at 14.150 mHz. at 21 dB
Gain: Better than 7 dBi across band
7.4 dBi at 14.350

15 Meters:

Effective Boom Length: 15 feet, 6 inches
VSWR: less than 1.5:1 between 21.0 and 21.45 mHz, measured at feedpoint
Front to Back: >16 dB across the entire band
F/B peaks at 21.350 at 24.5 dB
Gain: Better than 7 dBi across band
7.6 dBi at 21.45 mHz.

10 Meters:

Effective Boom Length: 16 feet, 9 inches
VSWR: less than 1.5:1 between 28.0 and 28.9 mHz, measured at feedpoint
Front to Back: >14 dB across the entire band
F/B peaks at 28.5 at 15 dB
Gain: Better than 7.7 dBi across band
9.2 dBi at 28.9 mHz.

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST@contesting.com

>From Ron Wetjen <wd4ahz@arrl.net>  Mon Dec 13 20:34:33 1999
From: Ron Wetjen <wd4ahz@arrl.net> (Ron Wetjen)
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Working Dupes
Message-ID: <38555858.ACC6CFF3@gte.net>

Another story on should we work dupes or not ...

The last few hours of the 10 Meter Contest, gave me my highest "dupes
per hour" rate!  I ended up with 57 dupes during the contest (they all
called me) and 1445 good QSO's (at least until the log checkers get
busy).  Yes, I work dupes, in case they busted my call earlier.

For an example of why you SHOULD work dupes ...

A station called me.  I copied his state as "_C", and when I asked for a
fill (several times), he was already gone (needed that state for a mult
at the time).  So, had to remove that QSO from the log, as I never got
the state confirmed.

Heard and called the station again on Sunday to have a "good" QSO, but
he said we were a dupe and wouldn't work me again (think my call was
busted as well).  Needless to say, I never did work that state!

Yes, dupes can be annoying, but there may be a legitimate reason to work
one (incomplete exchange or a busted call).  I figure, working a dupe is
safer than getting a "NIL"!

Which gets me wondering ... if someone works me, and busts my call ...
then works me again (a dupe in my log, but a "good" QSO in his log),
what happens to the guy who worked me twice?  If one QSO is spotted as a
busted call (we hope), is it removed and replaced by the second QSO with
my correct call?  And which one counts for me ... the first QSO or the
"dupe" (dupes are left in my log with 0 points)?

73, Ron

Happy Holidaze!

One of the W1AW/4 Crew - IARU/WRTC-2000

WD4AHZ Homepage - http://www.qsl.net/wd4ahz              
Sarasota Emergency Radio Club - http://www.qsl.net/serc 
Florida Contest Group - http://www.qsl.net/fcg             
West Central Florida Section - http://www.wcfarrl.org
Florida QSO Party - http://www.qsl.net/fqp         
No-SSB International (tm) - http://www.qsl.net/kh2d/nossb.html
Membership number 1,000,051

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST@contesting.com

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